Checkinstall for gnome packets

Checkinstall is a very useful package for linux distros that track their packages with databases (that is, with rpm or deb packages) when compiling from source, and can save you a lot of headaches when uninstalling or upgrading a package.

But I’ve found a nasty twist (not exactly checkinstall’s fault, actually) that should be kept in mind: there are some files that should NOT belong in your package. And not only for tidyness reasons, but to avoid completely screwing up your Gnome installation.

Read on…

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Weird fedora dbus bug

A couple of days ago I got bit by a nasty and pretty dumb bug in dbus on Fedora Core 6: the service would just hang forever on startup.

To make a long story short, it all goes down to some interaction (I have no idea about) between dbus and ldap (of all things): if the ldap server is not available the servie just hangs.

To make the bug go away simply disable the use of ldap for “User Information” in system-config-authentication. It looks like you can continue to use it for authentication, fortunately.

Well, so I have a blog…

…I’ve resisted this for a long time: blogs I knew tended to be braindumps of people, often whining about their life or something.

But, well, in the meantime I’ve discovered some pretty awesome blogs, mainly in the tech and rpg areas, so I thought one more could do no real damage 🙂

This page will probably become a sort of pinboard (hence the name) where I put links to cool stuff I’ve found on the ‘net, or things I’ve discovered myself, just so that I have somewhere else than my brain to keep all that stuff. You only get so much space, you know…